Saturday, September 30, 2006

The Gravest Sin Of All

OK. That's it. I am officially suicidal. I stayed back last DP Vacation hunting for an internship. A guy opposite my room (inspired by me) also stayed back. Result, he went to Netherlands. Don't ask about me. This time too, I stayed back. If I got through CAT effortlessly, I'd be setting the juniors a bad example right? That's why. But what have my activities been for the last 7 days?

1. 10 new movies on my friend's PC.
2. Forrest Gump, Castaway and The Incredibles a second time.
3. Entire September's Hindu & Economic Times at one go.
4. Watching the lizard on my wall hunt down its prey.
5. Orkutting and Googling things like Godhra, Stalin.
6. Eating the same blighted HongKong Rice, Roti & Paneer Butter Masala day in and day out.

Then, today I realized one thing. Sometimes, humans can get so bored, they'd start doing things which they'd never sanely do, to keep away the boredom. No, I didn't run on the road naked, if that's what you thought. It came to be, that I started studying.............. YES. Your ears aren't playing tricks on you.

I, Rahul have committed the act of studying. There I said it.
Voluntary Studying Without Any Subsequent Examination The Next Day.

That's as close to suicide as I'll ever get. Let's see how long I'll survive on the edge.


  1. what???u studied eh???? whatever be the provocation i will never ever take such drastic steps...i would probably have watched Incredibles and Forrest Gump a second time and memorised the dialogues but study???????blech!!:X:X

  2. forrest gump is worth thousand watch.

  3. enjoy doing nothing.
    sitting silently the grass grows by itself.
