Sunday, September 03, 2006

"Anne Frank"-ly

I am amazed that so many thoughts can occur to a 15 year old girl. After all, she has seen so little of life. On hindsight, as I look back at my life, 15 year old Rahul also thought a lot about life. But he wasn't so self-aware, self-sure. "Look at their eyes." Anne said when she saw children queued up before the crematories, and I couldn't help looking at their eyes. Helplessness stared back at me. Eyes that were resigned to their fate. Death or Freedom. Beyond caring.

I felt extremely bitter after I finished reading. Hatred welled up inside me. I don't know who this hatred was directed against. The Nazis for butchering people like animals, Hitler for his irrational hatred and inhuman annihilation of Jews or Anne Frank for showing and literally making me feel this deep an emotion. I don't really know.

I don't like this diary but there is no way I would've missed reading it.

1 comment:

  1. Are u reading anne frank's diary only now??
    its an amazing and moving read...
    great book!!
