Just like SIBM... here too.. A girl went in right before me... but she brought no roses out this time.... just thorns(as you will see ahead....)
Background Info: I dont fully recall what Forrest Gump(FG) was asking. I only registered that he was on his cellphone, running in and outta that room while the interview was going on...
3 panelists. (from left to right)Forrest Gump, Outspoken Man(OM), Royal Pain(RP).
OM: Rahul? (Rahul nods) Good Morning Rahul...
RP: Are you guys coming in randomly or according to serial number?
Rahul: (appropriate answer)
RP: (looking at sheet)... Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad huh?
Rahul: Yes Sir. (hmm.. so he knows about it...)
OM: What's your stream?
Rahul: Mechanical Engineering sir.
RP: So... what do you do in _ _ _ ?
Rahul: (genuine attempt at a joke) I'm waiting to do my MBA sir.... (Rahul smiles)
OM: (smiles but says quite sharply) I know that 40000 guys in Infosys and TCS are waiting to do just that. So... (interrupted by RP...)
RP(quite seriously): No... What do you do in _ _ _ ?
Rahul: Sir, I'm working in software development.... CAD software.
RP: No no no.... what exactly is it that you DO?
Rahul: (thinking... what the hell does he want to know...) Sir, I work in a customer funded project. Basically, my client is blah and blah an aerospace company is their client. There is a software called blah blah that they use for blah blah.... I work on enhancing that existing software.
OM: So... what does that.... (Interrupted by RP....)
RP: What type of enhancements? What does that mean?
Rahul: I get functional requirements.... like....
OM: like... for example....
Rahul: Ya... like adding special parameters into an existing simulation... So... I do that....
OM: Does that involve anything related to mechanical?
Rahul: Not really... but what the end user does require knowledge of mechanical engg....
RP: What does he do with it?
Rahul: They design aircraft bodies and contours.
RP: Why did you join (current company)..?
Rahul: I had my CAT and placements at the same time and I sat for _ _ _ in order to have a secondary plan... my primary objective was not a job.. but I didn't get a good score that year... so had to join.
OM: Why do you want to do an MBA?
Rahul: I intend to join a manufacturing company in the role of a manager.... Management is simply about dealing with men, materials and money... I've done it before in college... realised I was good at it.
OM: Do you know what's Bernoulli's principle?
Rahul: It is basically conservation of energy for a fluid... (gave a partially correct answer and then)... I don't know sir.
OM: (laughs mockingly...) Better you go back to college and study man.
Rahul: I didn't remember sir...
RP: What are the forces that act on an airplane?
Rahul: (thinks... and answers)... Drag...
RP: What is drag? (Rahul explains clearly..) ok... and?
Rahul: Lift, Gravity, Thrust...
RP: What is thrust?
Rahul: It the forward force generated by the turbines in the engine by... sir... (Rahul smiles) It involves the Bernoulli's theorem.
(panel gives some random heat about not being technically sound... and how I'd manage a manufacturing company without this knowlege.)
RP: Anyway... If you're already good at management... so why an MBA?
OM: What I've done in college just made me realise that I was good at it.... I still require to learn the exact techniques involved to do it better sir....
RP: What have you done in college?
Rahul: I was the head of a society.... for about a year.
RP: What was the budget?
Rahul: Rs 30000
OM: You must be earning around like 2 or 3 lacs per annum.... thats a much bigger amount you are managing... why do you need an MBA... go and enjoy man...
Rahul stays blank.... (but smiles)Rahul: An MBA at IMT has always been my primary goal sir... (interrupted)
OM: What other calls do you have?
Rahul: I applied to SPJain, MDI and have both the calls.
RP (mockingly): Ah...great.. you'll say IMT is primary here... and at MDI you will say MDI is primary and IMT is secondary.
Rahul: I didn't mean primary regarding the institute sir..... Doing a job is secondary and MBA at a good institute is primary for me... That's what I meant. Sir.. It's like.... the things I've done in college gave me a taste of what management is like... and I found it very satisfying... I want that satisfaction from work for the rest of the my life.... I don't know how to explain it further sir.....
OM: So your current job is not satisfying...?
Rahul: No sir... it is.... but I find the kind of work after my MBA to be more satisfying....
RP: What is the name of your blog?
Rahul: (appropriate answer)
RP: What kind of name is that? I don't like it...
(Rahul starts explaining... but they are not listening)
OM: Do you know Amitabh Bachchan's blog name?
Rahul: I don't know....
RP: What other blogs do you read?
Rahul: Blogs of friends.. and one called Blank Noise Project... its a movement by Bangalore women (interrupted)
OM: Do you like girls in bangalore?
Rahul: (thinks and says) I like girls in general sir....
OM: Really? What do you like about them..?
Rahul: (thinks for a second and says) They are good to look at. (and smiles)
RP: Do you like Jayalalitha..? She is from Bangalore.
Rahul: Oh! I didn't know that.
OM says to RP: We used to like her when she was young.
Rahul (interrupts OM): Actually, I still like her sir... but for a different reason. (explains the Karunanidhi and Jaya governance cycle in Tamil Nadu)...
OM comments further and then asks me to go...